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Tarnish Prevention Bags

The anti-tarnish bags and tabs prevent against tarnish, corrosion and oxidation on newly cleaned fine and fashion metal goods, including Silver, Gold and more.

This convenient and comprehensive anti-tarnish kit contains both anti metal blemishing bags and tabs to accommodate a variety of items, protecting them against tarnish, corrosion and oxidation to maintain shine, luster and brilliance of fine silver and precious metal goods including earrings, necklaces, rings, bracelets, watches, chains, silverware, cutlery, flatware, teapots, platters and antique coins. We include five 4” x 6” bags, five 6” x 6” bags that protect up to 3 years and 20 1” x 1” tabs that provide protection for a 30 cubic inch container from each tab, for up to one year. 
